Friday, April 1, 2016

Tips for Horror Movies

Horror movies are all about style which includes tone, texture, and mood.
Five cinematography tips that one should follow are:
a) Shoot through things
    When filming the actor one should include all the context to create a setting. An example of this         could be a person isolated from everyone, by filming the surroundings of the person it emphasizes       more the fact the she is by herself.

    It creates a more mysterious feeling for the film which is perfect for the Horror genre.

c) Haze
Fog can make the scene a lot better, this trick is always used for most of horror movies since it creates a mysterious mood.
This is only possible with a hazer or Fog machine. In the future if Daniella and I want to use this technique, we will have to ask for someone to lend us the machine since we do not have the necessary funds.

d)Colored Gels
Colored gels work really well for horror films specially red gels since it make the viewer feel unnerved and create a stylized look.

e)Unique Angles
   One example for "Unique Angles" is the dutch tilt since it creates an image that looks off balance which creates and unsettling feeling for the viewer. This is perfect since the genre is horror.



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